When it comes to penis enlargement, it can get pretty complicated to keep up a lot of the science that's thrown at you, especially as we live in age where technology is becoming more and more advanced. However there is one very simple and easy to follow rule that will help improve your erections and penis health and will ultimately become a crucial factor in assisting with increasing the size of your penis.
The body is made up of over 2/3 of water, it's essential to our survival to have a regular intake of water, that's an obvious fact, but what may not be so obvious is how much water to consume daily to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Hydration and Erections
The amount of water present in our bodies has a direct influence on our blood flow. The amount of blood available to enter the penis is a major factor in the performance of our erections. Blood flow can be affected by a number of things such as the food we eat, how often we exercise, if we smoke or drink and most important the amount of water that's in our bodies.
Hydration and Penis Enlargement
So we've touched on blood flow and its importance to erections, but in the long run having good blood flow is the first link in the chain to increasing the size of your penis. Using a biochemical system that implements hormones that were present during puberty, nutrient rich blood fills the penis and ultimately will allow the penis to grow (it's obviously a lot more complicated than that, I've just shortened it down so I don't go off subject). So the amount of blood that is allowed to enter the penis is vital to the success of penis enlargement, so now hopefully you can see the link between good hydration and penis enlargement
So how much should I drink?
The average person will consume 3-4 litres a day, but this really is bordering on the average. When it comes to penis enlargement you should be looking to consume about 5-6 litres a day, this may sound a lot, but considering the food you eat on a daily basis contains about 2 litres of food, you just need to add a few extra litres of water into your diet. It's really simple to do this just by drinking a large glass of water when you wake up, taking a water bottle around with you during the day taking small sips often, and drinking a large glass of water before you go to bed at night.
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